NCBR Project
Omni3D Sp. z o.o. implements a project co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development.

Development of a pioneering multifunctional printing robot in 3D FFF technology using an integrated robotic arm operating in 7 degrees of freedom and innovative proprietary filaments in order to obtain strength in printed models that allows them to be used in the arms, aerospace and space industries.
The subject of the project is R&D work aimed at developing an innovative 3D printing robot using robotic arm technology that would allow to obtain prints in Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technology with parameters that were previously unattainable, enabling their use in demanding operating conditions.
Total cost of project implementation: PLN 13,702,787.67
Granted funding: PLN 9,982,366.25
Implementation period: 03-04-2018 – 31-12-2023